I am currently accepting graduate students in these areas or with the following interests:

  • Métis musics

  • (Multi)cultural festivals

  • Music in Canada/Canadian Musics

  • Fiddling

  • Ethnomusicology and ethnography

  • Research creation 

current students

Tyler Stewart (PhD student, co-supervisor)

Angela Brooks (MA student)

Seun Soneye (MA student)

Elizabeth Holthe (MA student)

Life Yulo-Tamana (undergraduate student) is currently working in CECEs to notate historic recordings of fiddle music from the Richard Johnston collection.

Former students and Research Assistants

Troy Bannerman

Amy Lambert

Loryn Plante was an undergraduate student when she completed a Chinook Summer Student project with me, focused on Métis music and research creation.

Ooleepeeka Eegeesiak was a fourth year student when she completed a Chinook Summer Student project with me. She’s currently lives and works as a curator in Ottawa.